Prevent Virus From Infecting USB Flash Drive

This method will prevent virus from infecting your USB flash drive and also write-protection or prevent modifications of data inside your USB flash drive. We are going to use fsutil, the Windows utility to create a file called fake dummy file.
1. Plug-in your USB flash drive
2. Note down the amount of free space of your flash drive, example below:

3. Open command prompt (CMD), if you use Windows Vista choose 'run as administrator'
4. Type in >> fsutil file createnew F:\IamDummy 1300594688 <<, the 1300594688 value is the free space of your flash drive from example above and hit Enter.
5. The dummy file has been created like example image below:

6. The image above shows that your flash drive is full, in that way no more data can be create after that.Even a virus can write nothing on your flash drive.
7. To use your flash drive as usual, just delete the dummy files.
This method is very useful to an on-side tech that carries a lot of troubleshooting tools inside their flash drive from getting virus infect due to infected client's computer.


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