This method will prevent virus from infecting your USB flash drive and also write-protection or prevent modifications of data inside your USB flash drive. We are going to use fsutil, the Windows utility to create a file called fake dummy file.
1. Plug-in your USB flash driveThis method is very useful to an on-side tech that carries a lot of troubleshooting tools inside their flash drive from getting virus infect due to infected client's computer.
2. Note down the amount of free space of your flash drive, example below:
3. Open command prompt (CMD), if you use Windows Vista choose 'run as administrator'
4. Type in >> fsutil file createnew F:\IamDummy 1300594688 <<, the 1300594688 value is the free space of your flash drive from example above and hit Enter.
5. The dummy file has been created like example image below:
6. The image above shows that your flash drive is full, in that way no more data can be create after that.Even a virus can write nothing on your flash drive.
7. To use your flash drive as usual, just delete the dummy files.
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