Download jv16 PowerTools 2009 For Free

I have been very busy for the past few days and has caused me to leave my blog without newer posts. I know, my regular visitors keep coming day by day for the new articles, I am sorry for that. As you can see, I also trying to improve my blog for browsers friendly, fast loading and a few minor adjustments. With a lack of knowledge in CSS, HTML and Java Script, it consumed me a lot of time. But still not fully finished yet, there is a few tiny stuff need to be corrected. Since I only test this blog with three types of browsers which is Firefox 3, Chrome 2 and IE 8, I hope it will suit the other browsers too. Please give me a feedback if you have some kind of interface error on this blog.

Today, I will starts the article with a promotion for jv16 Power Tools that run by Computer Bild and offering you a jv16 Power Tools 2009 version for free.

About jv16 PowerTools 2009:
  • Automatically clean your Windows registry from obsolete and unneeded data
  • Automatically fix many kinds of registry errors, such as broken file references
  • Easily uninstall leftover traces of software you have thought you have already uninstalled ages ago
  • Detect and remove unneeded history data and MRU (most recently used) lists that can contain sensitive information about you
  • Locate and delete unneeded files, including temp files and duplicate files
  • And over 27 tools more!
Grab it for free:
  1. Download the zipped installer file from:
  2. Or if you want to visit the promo page and download from there, here is the link:
  3. Extract the downloaded file and you will get two files inside it. One is the setup installer and the other one is 'license.xbin' file which is the license file.
  4. Install the software and launch it.
  5. Then click on 'Help/License Information' from the application menu, select 'Install new license'.
  6. Browse to 'license.xbin' located and insert it.
Take Note: The license is only for this promo version, please do not attempt to use the license for other/newer versions or by updating this version, otherwise the license will get blocked/blacklisted.


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